DAY TWO: The evolution of a character

Continuing on from DAY ONE, my new task was to take the observations from Winchester town and create characters. Give them a name, back story and why they are something special to talk about.

For me, I found this task challenging because I never considered myself a character designer nor was I good at drawing life. I really believe I pushed myself for this one.

I started by choosing one of my observations making sure that the one I did pick could become even more interesting. I noticed that I drew a bike really quickly, and that I had no specific instruction that this ‘character’ had to be a human being. This got me thinking, what could I do with this object…

What if I gave it legs:

What if I added arms too:

The most interesting thing about this was that the object didn’t have a face. I am strangely drawn to characters that can’t express emotion but instead show it with ‘body’ language. It becomes intriguing and the onlookers will ask how ‘it’ evolved to get arms and legs. “Why?” people will ask, and thats all I could hope for.


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